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Veterans frequently have difficulty keeping up with all their health care appointments, medications, and treatment plans. VA’s Lighthouse Application Interface (API) platform offers several third-party mobile applications designed to relieve some of that burden.

In 2018, VA’s Office of Information and Technology (OIT) launched the Lighthouse Application Programming Interface (API), an online location where third-party developers such as Apple and others can offer tailored health care apps that Veterans can voluntarily download for on-demand use to help management their health care.

The apps are available for free, and while VA doesn’t formally “endorse” them, our OIT specialists and quality control experts have conducted thorough efficacy, security, and safety testing on every app featured. And Veteran response has been positive.

“Having the ease of accessing my VA medical information via my iPhone Health app has provided not only timely and accurate insight into my records but also empowered me to take control of my diagnosis,” said Antonia Greene-Edwards, Lieutenant Colonel, Army Reserve.

During the three years since launch of the Lighthouse API, an impressive array of apps has emerged, all providing Veterans with a seamless way to access service-related benefits they have earned, as well as manage tasks related to their VA health care needs such as scheduling appointments, tracking medications, and being aware of clinical trial opportunities.

Whether users are at home, at work, or on the go, they can securely access and manage health care from their Android or iOS device. For some Veterans currently using Lighthouse API healthcare apps, the functionality is a revelation.

The health-related apps in Lighthouse can also enhance Veterans’ experience by helping streamline their interactions with clinicians and health care specialists.

As the nation’s largest health care system, VA takes pride in delivering quality services to our nation’s Veterans. Lighthouse API is yet another example of how VA continues to prioritize innovative digital solutions that enhance Veterans’ experiences as they obtain the benefits and services they have earned.

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