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Angela Gant-Curtis

On May 12, 2022, FCW and GovExec hosted an Evening of Honors to celebrate individuals who have exemplified and demonstrated sustained achievement in Federal IT. Recognized for her exceptional contributions advancing innovation at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), IT Program Manager Angela Gant-Curtis was named a 2022 FCW 100 Awardee. Distinguished for excellence, Ms. Gant-Curtis’ noteworthy achievements serving VA’s Office of Information and Technology (OIT) include:

  • Robert L. Jesse Award (press release)
    Supported the development of eScreening, a digital tool that allows Veterans to complete clinical forms in advance of their medical appointments and moves the Department away from paper documentation.
  • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
    Championed SaaS delivery model for emerging technologies and products to improve deployment speed and scalability of digital services at VA, while reducing labor costs associated to maintaining software.
  • VA Innovation Unit
    Managed the launch of five innovation centers, which enable and empower VA employees to propose or build technology solutions that enhance Veteran services or automate digital experiences.

With more than 30 years of public service, “Ms. Gant-Curtis truly personifies the best in Federal IT leadership,” said Chief Technology Officer Charles Worthington. “Over the course of her career, Ms. Gant-Curtis has helped the Department navigate ongoing IT modernization efforts while paving the way for future VA innovators,” added Mr. Worthington. Moving forward, her IT expertise will be leveraged for OIT’s new Vision for Digital Transformation which is being led by Assistant Secretary for Information and Technology and Chief Information Officer Kurt DelBene.

For more IT award profiles like Ms. Gant-Curtis, and to stay up to date on the Department’s latest technology news, subscribe to Digital VA Connections.

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