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An official website of the United States government

Speaking Engagement and Events

Voices of Resilience: Breaking Barriers for Women in Government

Meet the women spearheading digital resilience within the Public Sector. Join successful technology leaders to hear their journeys on how they navigated uphill battles in government agencies to ensure their digital systems stay secure and reliable despite any disruption.

VA Breakout Session: Providing the Best Customer Experience for the Veteran

Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center 5701 Marinelli Road, Maryland, United States

16th Annual AFCEA Bethesda’s Health IT Summit ’24 bringing Health IT thought leaders from across government together with industry and academia. “Strengthening the Citizen Care Experience: What Now? What Next?”

Shaping the Future of Federal Cybersecurity: Insights from FCEBs

Join Amber Pearson, Deputy Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), Jeff Spaeth, Deputy CISO and Executive Director of Information Security Operations, Jeff King, Principal Deputy Chief Information Officer (CIO) for a virtual discussion moderated by Dr. Benjamin Jensen, Senior Fellow, Futures Lab.

The Hospital’s Jetsons Era

Join VA's Chief Technology Officer, Mr. Charles Worthington, at the annual ViVE conference as he speaks on a panel to discuss the digital future of hospitals that can redefine the way we deliver healthcare.

National Cybersecurity Strategies in the Age of AI

Join us as topic experts discuss the nuanced landscape where AI and cybersecurity intersect, offering insights into the strategic imperatives and challenges faced across agencies.

IT Modernization and Data and Decision Making

Join OIT's Senior Enterprise Solutions Architect, Dr. Aaron Drew, in a roundtable discussion on IT modernization, data and decision making, and the challenges in creating a digital-first experience.

Emerging Technologies Panel

This panel discussion will explore the complex offerings within the field of Digital Transformation and Emerging Technology including exciting new initiatives, innovations, and solutions.

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