Leveraging Innovation to Further Emerging Technology Within Federal Agencies
Best Practices on what it looks like to leverage innovation to further emerging technology within federal agencies.
Best Practices on what it looks like to leverage innovation to further emerging technology within federal agencies.
This is a panel discussion on the National Cyber Workforce and Education Strategy within the workforce track of DOE's larger cybersecurity conference.
Join #TalkingTech on Thursday, May 18, at 1:00 p.m. ET, [...]
The HIT Summit is designed as a non-partisan, educational, & training “Town-Hall-style” Summit that offers a full-spectrum view towards the DoD, VA, and Federal efforts to provide Veterans and Active-Duty high-quality outcomes and advanced healthcare solutions, through an interoperable health IT approach.
The HIT Summit is designed as a non-partisan, educational, and training “Town-Hall-style” Summit that offers a full-spectrum view towards the DoD, VA, and Federal efforts to provide Veterans and Active-Duty high-quality outcomes and advanced healthcare solutions, through a interoperable health IT approach.
This annual training and conference is intended to inform county Veteran Service Officers of timely updates and resources to continue to support Veterans.
This high-energy event includes a mix of keynote speakers, panel discussions, fireside chats, and rapid-fire talks featuring Federal Government leaders focused on agency priorities, challenges, and opportunities for growth.
This high-energy event includes a mix of keynote speakers, panel discussions, fireside chats, and rapid-fire talks featuring Federal Government leaders focused on agency priorities, challenges, and opportunities for growth.
DrupalCon industry summits provide the opportunity to learn and collaborate with Drupal community members in similar fields or with similar interests.
This no cost event is tailored for the public sector community. Attendees will engage in interactive learning, network among public sector industry leaders and AWS experts, engage with partners driving innovation, and so much more.
User Experience practitioners will come together to share case studies, best practices and share their experiences and lessons learned as they apply UX principles and methodologies in line with the President’s Management Agenda to deliver results for all Americans.
Kurt DelBene, Assistant Secretary for Information and Technology and Chief Information Officer with the Department of Veterans Affairs will dive into Zero Trust and the future of training and automation at VA.