May 14, 2024 @ 14:00 – 15:30 EDT
Join OIT’s Digital Services Expert, Mr. Mark Junda, as he joins a panel with other federal agencies to discuss delivering a digital-first public experience and share what they’ve done in this space that has worked well, not worked well, and lessons learned.
Federal Digital Experience Industry Day is the first in a series of events designed to bring together leaders from federal agencies and stakeholders from across the country to discuss the recent OMB Memo M-23-22, “Delivering a Digital-First Public Experience.” The virtual summit will take place on May 14, 2024, and begin a dialogue on enhancing the digital interactions between the government and the American public.
This pivotal event will convene federal agency leaders, industry stakeholders, and digital experience experts to explore the future needs and strategies for digital experience projects across federal agencies. The summit will feature keynote speeches from GSA Administrator, Robin Carnahan and Federal CIO, Clare Martorana and panel discussions focused on the implementation of the memo’s directives, sharing best practices and lessons learned for digital transformation, and discussing the path forward to create more user-friendly, accessible, and secure digital services.
VA Participant(s)
Mark Junda, Digital Service Expert