Regardless of the devices and applications you use, you play a crucial role as the first line of defense against threats to personal information. Bad actors are relentlessly seeking vulnerabilities to access your private data. 

Fortunately, there’s an easy method to secure accounts beyond relying on complex passwords and password managers—it’s called multi-factor authentication (MFA).

MFA by the numbers

Why is it that your applications and accounts are constantly asking you to enable multi-factor authentication? Well, the reason is clear: depending solely on complex passwords simply won’t cut it.

An alarming case in point is the U.S. Department of Interior’s findings that watchdog staff members could decrypt the passwords for 16 percent of the agency’s user accounts in 90 minutes.  Shockingly, 5 percent of active credentials in the agency used variations of the word “password” in their passwords.

Enabling multi-factor authentication is an easy way to resolve this issue. It’s crucial to recognize that without MFA your accounts are vulnerable, serving as potential entry points for bad actors eager to compromise the sensitive information you hold most dear.

Take control of your online safety

The extra layer of security multi-factor authentication provides can be the difference between peace of mind and devastating fraudulent activity. Don’t wait another day. Enable MFA today and keep the cyber threats at bay!

For more information, play our video on multi-factor authentication.

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