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Health Care Services

CURA Patient

CURA Patient logo

Product description

Enables doctors to stay connected with their patients between scheduled visits by collecting data and using artificial intelligence to identify potential triggers and health concerns before they occur. Health care staff can monitor the patient’s condition remotely to track progress and watch for potential warning signs that would otherwise be missed.

How we use CURA Patient at VA

Instead of waiting to gather medical data during scheduled doctor visits, CURA Patient keeps the medical staff informed of potential problems by gathering ongoing health data while the patient is at home. The data is analyzed by artificial Intelligence which alerts the medical staff of the likelihood for a potential problem such as a stroke or heart attack. When the early warning signs of a negative health event can be observed before it happens — particularly in patients with chronic health conditions — it reduces the rates of rehospitalization and improves health outcomes.

The next step

If VA employees would like to use or purchase this previously approved service, please submit a SaaS inquiry form to confirm your use case and get procurement approval.

Submit a Request
  • Status: Pending
  • VA Authorization Level: High
  • Funding: End-user funding required
  • Product Line: Medical Care
  • VA Authorization Level: High

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