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Copado GovCloud

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Product description

Copado GovCloud is a cloud DevOps platform designed to make Salesforce releases faster, more efficient, and scalable across hundreds of production and sandbox instances. Copado GovCloud integrates with all major Git solutions and ensures developers, administrators, and low-code Salesforce users can all commit changes to a central Git repository or seamlessly deploy from a QA environment to production. Small organizations and large enterprises use Copado across a wide range of industries to accelerate time to market for Salesforce applications, enhance developer efficiency, increase security visibility, improve Salesforce testing capabilities, and enable digital cloud transformations.

How we use Copado GovCloud at VA

Copado GovCloud is a cloud DevOps platform designed to make Salesforce releases faster, more efficient, and scalable across hundreds of production and sandbox instances. Copado will automate manual tasks and provide visibility across the development lifecycle, release pipeline, and flow of data and metadata to ensure quality releases.

The next step

If VA employees would like to use or purchase this previously approved service, please submit a SaaS inquiry form to confirm your use case and get procurement approval.

Submit a Request
  • Status: Approved
  • VA Authorization Level: Low
  • Funding: End-user funding required
  • Product Line: Platform Management
  • VA Authorization Level: Low

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Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government, and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.