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Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud

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Product description

Collibra is a metadata management tool that will capture metadata for any connected datasets/repositories and will be the backbone for the Health Data and Analytics Platform (HDAP) and the enterprise data catalog. HDAP is a modern cloud-based platform that enables self-service data analytics and processing. The teams using the HDAP platform will be creating and publishing data sets. Collibra will help manage and expose the metadata associated with those data sets to the rest of the organization. Collibra can provide the functionality to search and discover data sets, data lineage to see the source of the data, governance around standard terms and definitions, and workflow around data access management. The goal is to have Collibra manage the HDAP metadata and make that information broadly available to VA users.

How we use Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud at VA

Allows analysts to make evidence-based decisions promptly due to data being integrated into a single platform.

The next step

If VA employees would like to use or purchase this previously approved service, please submit a SaaS inquiry form to confirm your use case and get procurement approval.

Submit a Request
  • Status: Approved
  • VA Authorization Level: Moderate
  • Funding: End-user funding required
  • Product Line: End User Operations
  • VA Authorization Level: Moderate

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